一個人是否活著? 非行屍走肉 An individual is as alive?一個人是否活著,非行屍走肉? "An individual is not as 房屋出租 alive as his heart beats. 烤肉食材He is not as alive as his toes wiggle. No. He 訂做禮服 is as alive as he can consent(應允、答應) to play the role he is playi 租房子ng. If he is then playing that role by his own consent, he'll be alive to a remarkab 室內設計le degree. 一個人是否活著,與他是否有心跳無關.而是與他是否允諾地玩著他正在玩的角色. It has a lot to do with will 澎湖民宿ingness to be. If you are willing to be or if you are capable of being, by your own determinism, then you can be certain of life, 商務中心 and you can be certain of the future, and you can be certain of what you are doing and certain of the motives, good or bad, of those around you -- 小型辦公室if you are capable of determining your own beingness? 它與意願有關.如果你想要成為或有能力成為,且此都在你自己決定下,則你的生命是肯定的,明確的. 然後,你的未來是肯定的,確定的 辦公室出租. 然後,你可以很確定你正在做的,很確定你的動機,很確定好或壞等等的.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房地產  .

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